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Health Equity

We are grateful for funding assistance from the Kansas Health Foundation which spearheaded the possibility for many programs and health initiatives that continue to make a difference throughout northwest Kansas long after the completion of our initial grant award. This Health Equity initiative focuses on creating environments in communities where every resident has the same opportunity to thrive-- not merely survive. We do this by working with families who are often not involved in community decision-making conversations due to lack of childcare, language barriers, multiple jobs, and other outside influences that prevent them from being engaged in the decisions that impact them.


To address broader health inequities at the regional level, we partner with the Great Plains Health Alliance to identify ways we can help communities become more trauma aware and address the growing mental health crisis that is taking shape in northwest Kansas. To better understand health inequities that exist, we partner with Kansas University's Center for Public Partnerships and Research to collect stories from residents on their ability to thrive in a community.


"We believe all Kansans should be able to make healthy choices where they live, work and play. This initiative will allow residents to identify obstacles and opportunities for better health outcomes. Not only does this improve the health for the priority population, but it makes the entire community stronger," says Steve Coen, Kansas Health Foundation President and CEO.


Travis Rickford, LiveWell Northwest Kansas (785) 460-8177

Karla Heble, Rawlins County Health Department (785) 626-3968

Candi Douthit, Cheyenne County Hospital (785) 332-2104, ext 170

Maureen Ostmeyer, LiveWell Northwest Kansas (785) 460-8177

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